Pinewood Reservoir County Park | Colorado | 04/07/20

Besant Point Trail | Pinewood Reservoir County Park

Loveland, CO | 04/07/20 | 3.53 miles | 167′ gain


Another short & easy hike with Kyle. We visited Pinewood Reservoir on a Tuesday to avoid the crowds. Due to the lockdown, we did see more people than I’d assume visit on a normal Tuesday, but we still had plenty of solitude.

Pinewood Reservoir

We paid the $9 day use fee at the Carter Lake fee station on the way in and then drove to the farthest trailhead. That was the parking lot I’d used when I hiked in Ramsay-Shockey Open Space and I was familiar with it, but it was surprisingly busy. We decided to park at the Pinewood Campground parking lot instead, and we were the only car there.

Quick swim before we start. Bob & Otis are fighting over a stick.

We hiked south on the Besant Point Trail and followed it all the way around the reservoir.

Charging up the trail

All of the many cars we’d seen earlier must all have been in Ramsay-Shockey, because we barely saw anyone on the Besant Point Trail. The boys enjoyed getting to run around. If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you might notice we usually only bring one dog at a time (even though we have four!). This is because they’re extra crazy when they’re together, plus they each love getting special alone time with mommy & daddy.

These are the cutest dogs in the entire world and don’t even try to tell me otherwise.

The southern portion of the Besant Point Trail is an interpretive trail that focused on osprey. I’ve never seen one and I really didn’t know much about them, so I found the interpretive signs very interesting. We were a little too early in the season for osprey, but we did spot a nest.

Osprey nest…no osprey yet though!
Another swim!

The Besant Point Trail is almost completely flat and the walking is very easy. There is one cliffy section along the southern edge that was fun to look over. Signs warned not to cliff jump here, but the rocks at the bottom seemed more convincing.

We thought this sand bar looked like a whale’s tail!
So much elevation! (Kidding 🙂 )
Looking back at the cliff

Once around the cliff, we contoured north along the western edge of the reservoir, eventually passing the Shoshone Trail in Ramsay-Shockey Open Space. We continued on the Besant Point Trail around Fisherman’s Cove and I saw my first flowering cactus of the year!

Mountain Ball Cactus (Pediocactus simpsonii)
Fisherman’s Cove

There was a short but steep climb above Fisherman’s Cove, but we soon found ourselves back on a flat trail that we followed across the dam and back down to the car. A nice and easy hike!


13 thoughts on “Pinewood Reservoir County Park | Colorado | 04/07/20

  1. Amber P

    Just wanted to say HI. I love reading your posts as you explore areas of NoCo that I have yet to get to. Your dogs are damn cute!


  2. Your dogs are adorable. When my immediate family all gets together there are five dogs. The big three cause trouble, one little one plays referee and the fifth (my dad’s dog) is too good for anyone but my dad.


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